The captain's behaviour is above/ beyond reproach. 队长的行为无可厚非。
The first qualification is the leader must be above reproach, having a blameless reputation. 作教会领袖的首要资格,是必须无可指责,有美好的名声。
Now a bishop must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, sensible, dignified, hospitable, an apt teacher, no drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, and no lover of money. 作监督的,必须无可指责,只作一个妇人的丈夫,有节制,自守,端正,乐意接待远人,善于教导;
You think you're above reproach for your sins? 你认为你可免除你罪刑的责难吗?
To that end, its own numbers are not above reproach: it presents many findings as a percentage of post-tax, not pre-tax profits, which makes them look larger. 就这一点而言,浑水自己的数据也并非毫无瑕疵:它给出的很多数据都是占税后利润(而非税前利润)的比例,这样得出的数据看上去数值更大。
It is obvious that if a church is to know blessing, its leaders must be above reproach. 很明显,教会若要蒙神赐福,它的领袖当然要无可指责。
It was crucial that our negotiating record be above reproach to withstand the domestic fury ahead. 关键的是,我们的谈判记录是无可指责的,能顶得住今后国内的愤怒。
But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives Give these commands as well so that they may be above reproach. 但那好宴乐的寡妇,正活着的时候也是死的,这些事你要嘱咐他们,叫他们无可指责。
He is above reproach. 他是无可责难的。
His work is above reproach. 他的工作无可非议。
Her behaviour was above/ beyond reproach. 责备是不可避免的。她的行为是无可指责的。
His manners were above reproach. 他的举止无可指摘。
The honourable characters of both Ruth and Boaz were above reproach. 路得和波阿斯的人格都无可指责。
Her manners are above reproach. 她的举止无可非议。
He was affectionate and magnanimous, pious and austere in the practice of his religion, brave, zealous, and above reproach in his personal and family conduct. 他深情和大度,虔诚和简朴的实践中,他的宗教,勇敢,热情,并无可指责在他的个人和家庭的行为。
Since the 1940s, when former Goldman chief Sidney Weinberg came to Washington, the Goldman Sachs credential has always stood above reproach. 自上世纪40年代,前高盛首席执行官西德尼•温伯格(SidneyWeinberg)来到华盛顿任职开始,高盛的声望一直无可厚非。
With a month that could be subtitled," Planets gone wild," you will want to remain above reproach. 因为九月份被贴上了“宇宙疯狂”的标签,所以这个月的双鱼希望能够竭尽全力远离责难和批评。
His character is above reproach, and the mine is worth far more than he asks for it. 他的人品无可挑剔,那矿山比他要的价值钱多啦。
Due to great masters of investors responsible, so only to follow overall situation, dare not buy some good stock, against people above reproach. 大师们由于要对投资者负责任,所以只敢跟随大局走势,不敢买一些好的股票,以免遭人非议。
He deals with the dark side of India, above all the poverty, which is a reproach to a state and politicians who seem to cut down the needy in the "friendly fire" of bullying, incompetent and corrupt government action. 他触及的是印度的阴暗面,尤其是贫穷问题,这是对政府和政治家的责备,他们通过欺凌弱小和腐败无能的政府行为,“误伤”了最需要帮助的穷人。
Your work is above reproach. 你的工作无可指责。
None of this means that Beijing's economy is above reproach. 这些并不是说中国的经济无可非议。
With knowledge abreast of science, a well-built and efficient station and operation above reproach. 进步-将电台保持科学化,整齐有效率,操作实务无可非议。
And even the raw numbers are not above reproach. 即使这些粗略的数据也不是无可挑剔的。
I know your motives are always above reproach. 我知道你的动机一向是无可非议的。
However, the Government role as guardian of the uneven development of society must develop a variety of roles, people look forward to also above reproach, who can only select a balance point in the conflict. 然而,政府监护人角色随社会的不均衡发展必然呈现多元角色,国民期待亦无可指责,我们只能在矛盾中选取平衡点。